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Безвизовый въезд в Великобританию на работу для умеющих стричь овец

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"Безвизовый въезд в Великобританию на работу для умеющих стричь овец"
14 October 2021 – Just useful and interesting UK & EEA Immigration Law news and updates from the Legal Centre – Open 7 days a week - - +44(0)3300010342, +44(0)7791145923 (WhatsApp/Viber)

>>> You can come to the UK to work for a certain period with no visa is you are a sheep shearer:

Non-visa national shearers can turn up at the border and be allowed in for three months during shearing season.

Namely, from 1 April 2013, a non-visa national can apply as a seasonal concession to work as a sheep shearer in the UK. This concession will allow entry from 1 April to 30 June for this purpose.
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